Are you looking for a better way to manage your personal finances? Ascendo Money can help you track your spending, stay within budgets, pay your bills on time and plot your course to financial freedom.
Ascendo Money is the most comprehensive money manager for BlackBerry & PC Desktops. Advanced features like budget analysis, transaction scheduling, account reconciliation, reports, graphs, synchronization and online bank access give you the control to achieve your financial goals.
Powerful features and an intuitive interface have made Ascendo Money the best-selling personal finance manager for BlackBerry.
Ascendo Money is the most comprehensive money manager for BlackBerry & PC Desktops. Advanced features like budget analysis, transaction scheduling, account reconciliation, reports, graphs, synchronization and online bank access give you the control to achieve your financial goals.
Powerful features and an intuitive interface have made Ascendo Money the best-selling personal finance manager for BlackBerry.
- Ascendo Money gives you the tools to achieve your financial goals.
- Ascendo Money simplifies managing your finances by allowing you to enter information on the go and synchronize with your desktop.
- Ascendo Money supports import/export in several formats to facilitate data exchange with Intuit Quicken, Microsoft Money and other 3rd party applications.
- Create unlimited number of accounts for credit cards, checking, savings and investments.
- Manage a transaction register for each account.
- Record payee, date, amount, category, type, payment method, status, memo and a user defined field for each transaction.
- Enter transactions quickly using auto-complete to select payees and default field values based on payee.
- Access information intuitively using Roll & ScrollTM to move up and down through transactions and horizontally across fields.
- Set budgets for categories and compare to actual amounts spent.
- Split transactions over several categories.
- Schedule recurring transactions.
- Make transfers from one account to another.
- Forecast account balances at future dates.
- Reconcile accounts with bank statements.
- Generate numerous reports and display pie charts and bar graphs of data.
- Securely download information from your bank accounts
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